As an IT Manager I always look for potential problems, security being first priority. First front in the security battle between good and evil, is antivirus. I often hear my buddies doubting: “Was my decision for using vendor X the right one?” Is huge discount I was provided worth the risk of being infected with […]
GFI Cloud Review
Cloud is the next black. It seems that Cloud trend is increasing rapidly. You really notice it when you see companies you know presenting new solutions in the cloud and cloud only. A couple of years ago I wouldn’t even consider using cloud products, but now, that seems normal. GFI has jumped on the Cloud […]
Review: ManageEngine Desktop Central
How to make IT Admin life easier? There was a time, couple of years ago, when I was looking for making my life as an IT Admin easier. I still remember how my life was complicated, year 2003, we were using Lotus Notes, every month we had to create batch scripts that were used to […]
Review: GFI Webmonitor UnifiedProtection
I got to know GFI Webmonitor when I was looking for additional functionality with MS ISA 2006. If you ever got to use MS ISA you either loved it or hated it. I was more of the latter kind of guy, I had only short periods of time to focus on MS ISA and I […]
What to do when you take over IT
You apply for IT job, and you get the job. You are the only person in IT, maybe there was no one before you or maybe you have taken over one’s job. You are in charge of IT, what do you do? What to do when you take over IT? That is one of the […]
Troubleshooting Account Lockout in Windows domain
Several Days ago I had a case where several accounts got locked out. I talked to users who were locked out of domain, but they all claimed that they knew the password. They did not change the password recently and that they did nothing to lock their account. Even though, their user account was locked out every […]
Forefront TMG 2010 SP2 Rollup 3 Released
Forefront TMG 2010 SP2 Rollup 3 Released If you are part of the group that was sad when MS announced that TMG will be discontinued – don’t give up. Rollup 3 was just released, fixes are: Article Title 2700248 FIX: A server that is running Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010 may stop accepting all new connections […]