Synology Diskstation has many uses. Synology app store has the most popular applications available for you to download, install and use with easiest and best experience. If you dive in and test all available applications you will notice that you spent a lot of time. Reason is that amount of applications is really that great. After […]
How to install Android on VMware Fusion OSX
Brother asked me If he could borrow my Android tablet. I said sure, no problem. Unfortunately I had to write small how to for an app we use in the office. Luckily for me, there is a way to install and run Android in OSX via Vmware Fusion. You can also install Android on a […]
10 Minute Mail – temporary mail address
Everyone who is using Internet got used to giving own email address to get a benefit from a company, website or a blog. Most of the times there are no problems signing up for a newsletter, e-book, online competition or even a free product. There 2 types of internet users. First type is causes, they care about […]
Optimize images improve your website speed
Today I decided to spend some time on website optimisation. I visited Pingdom and noticed several sites were tested that had interesting name. Curios I went to see what they sell and how they fare on speed test. Looking at results shocked me so much I decided to write this post. There is still a […]
Unable to initialize the Information Store service because the clocks on the client and server are skewed
Today I received notification from PRTG that size on C: is below 10% on Exchange 2010 server. I decided to expand C: drive as this is really a great feature on Windows 2008 and up. Managing servers on virtual infrastructure is really great. First I created a backup, then I expanded disk in VMware. But when […]
How I Fixed my WordPress problem with New Relic
WordPress problem is not an issue for me anymore. Ever since I started using Newrelic. Most of the problems I have with It all started with all the buzz around cheap Digitalocean VPS. I admit, I am no Linux expert, but I do have desire to learn something new. When I was a teenager I was […]
Third party agents fail loading in Exchange Server 2013
If you see error – The TransportAgentFactory type must be the Microsoft .NET class type of the transport agent factory, it means that you stumbled on a problem where Third party agents fail loading in Exchange Server 2013. You were affected by a Microsoft bug in which it wrongly parses XML configuration. Issue occurs with malware/anti virus […]
rmbp external monitor not recognised
I bought 27” Dell U2713HM monitor to compliment my 13” Retina Macbook Pro. I connected it via Displayport to Mini Displayport adapter and got shocked that resolution was Full HD only. After some investigation I found that there a so many issues with external displays that I couldn’t believe my eyes. Strangely Apple didn’t resolve […]
Wrong contact Links after latest Blackberry update
Blackberry was a great little device in the past. People loved how easy it was to use email on a telephone. Keyboard was cited as the best feature. Even now, BB keyboard is a synonym for hard working business people who have to be online 24/7. We still use Blackberry but it’s usage is rapidly […]
Whatsapp for OSX
Whatsapp messenger is one of the most popular messaging application ever released. Some say it’s even more popular than Facebook (update: it was bought by Facebook). Bad news, Whatsapp client for OSX or Windows was not yet released. Good news is that you can use a web client (WhatsApp inside the web browser) to connect […]