Active Directory is a great technology. In fact I can’t image life without it. It’s pretty easy to set up, with every Microsoft Server release it gains additional options that make life for IT easier. Did you know that only 5% of 1000 fortune companies don’t use AD to organize their environment? That means that […]
Mailstore server review archiving solution that rocks
Mailstore server can save you a lot of money and time. Do you use Exchange server? I do. Do you archive emails? I do. Am I using Exchange archiving? No, I don’t. There are many solutions for Email archiving and Mailstore server is one of the best, period. What makes Mailstore one of the best […]
Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 released after more than a year
Microsoft released Exchange 2013 RTM on 3rd December in 2012. Exchange 2013 SP1 is released after more than a year, more like 15 months. Exchange 2013 SP1 includes all the fixes prior to SP1 release with several improvements. Sp1 is a full build of Exchange, that means that you can use it for new installation or […]
Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 released
Microsoft released Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3. There are still some problems with Exchange 2010 SP3. Hopefully there won’t be any more strange problems after this update. Some of the biggest problems that were resolved with this update are Memory leak or memory corruption, Edgetransport.exe crash when transport rule sends a […]
Update Rollup 13 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 released
Microsoft released Rollup 13 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3. Exchange 2007 is showing it’s age as most of the fixes were already implemented and there is not much to fix. Update Rollup 13 for Exchange Server 2007 SP3 resolves one issue only and that is KB2926397.
How to use any email client with Exchange EWS
Would you like to use Thunderbird to connect to Exchange EWS? Perhaps some other email client? Or your company still uses Exchange 2003 and you have Outlook 2011 installed on you Mac?
Exchange 2010 no option to assign services to certificate
Certificate on our Exchange 2010 server was about to expire. I renewed certificate, completed pending request in Exchange, the last step remaining was to assign services to certificate. BUT, that option was missing. I searched around the internet, nothing. Exchange 2010 no option to assign services to certificate Then I remembered, you need internet access […]
Released: Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3
Microsoft released Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3. You may wan’t to check other programs that are used in conjunction with Exchange (Archiving, Disclaimers…) Codetwo Exchange rules for Exchange had compatibility problem, but was soon fixed in new version. This update contains fixes for a number of customer-reported and internally found issues. For […]
Email Disclaimers and Signatures done right – Codetwo Exchange Rules 2010
Were you assigned to make company wide disclaimer or email signature – that would apply to all employees? There are ways in MS Exchange to make a company wide disclaimer via scripting but you very limited. There are spam filters that also support making disclaimers, but again, you are very limited. CodeTwo is a company […]
Deploying Windows – The smart way
I remember when I was preparing for MS Windows XP exam. Part of that exam was also doing preparing XP for deployment via Sysprep. Those were good times, I remember several clients I had, making an image was a joy. Deploying them even more. With Windows Vista and Windows 7, deployment became a bit more […]